Case Study (Juicy Chemistry)

About the Company

Juicy Chemistry provides customers with organic and natural care products. Their products are environmentally friendly and cruelty-free. Also, all of their products are both dermatologically and clinically tested.

They offer products like soaps, shampoos, face washes, deodorants, and more. Many of their products are ECOCERT-certified organic as per the COSMOS V3 guidelines. Juicy Chemistry was founded by Pritesh and Meghna Asher back in 2014.

Website: Juicy Chemistry

Juicy Chemistry Main Page


The merchant had various requirements while creating the affiliate program for their store. They wanted to make basic customizations to the affiliate portal and set it up with a custom domain name.

Also, since they offer various types of products, they wanted to set up different commission rates for products. Similarly, they wanted the option to set up different commission rates for affiliates in their program. They also wanted to assign coupon codes to them for their promotions.

Additionally, the merchant wanted to collect information about their affiliates, such as their social media handles or website. They also wanted to sync their affiliates as store customers automatically. Finally, they were also seeking the option to download data reports of their program.


With GoAffPro, the merchant did get to set up their affiliate program as per their essential needs. Our app offers various features for customizing the affiliate portal. These include setting up a custom domain name for the affiliate portal, setting the brand primary color, etc.

Our app also offers the option to set up different commission rates for products and affiliates. It also provides the feature to generate coupon codes for affiliates automatically. Additionally, the merchant can set up profile fields to get more information from affiliates.

Furthermore, the app offers the option to sync affiliates as store customers. GoAffPro also has a reports function for downloading detailed data reports of the affiliate program.

Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom domain name

GoAffPro offers the option to set up a custom domain name for the affiliate portal. The merchant used this option to set one up for their affiliate portal. The affiliate portal name that the merchants set was:

Brand Primary Color

They also used the brand primary color option to customize the color of buttons on the affiliate portal pages, such as the landing page, signup page, and login page. It also changes the color of the header image on the landing page.

Additional Profile Fields

Our app also offers the option to set up additional profile fields within the affiliate dashboard. It allows merchants to get more information from their affiliates.

The merchant used this option to set up profile fields for social media accounts of affiliates, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Affiliate Commissions

The merchant used various commission options offered by our app to set up the commission rates for their products and affiliates in their program. They also set up specific commission rates for affiliates in their program.

Additionally, they disabled the commission on some products by setting up a zero percent commission using the product commissions option.

Automatic Coupon Codes

The merchant also wanted to assign coupon codes to affiliates for their promotions. To accomplish this, they used the automatic coupons option in our app. It automatically creates and assigns coupon codes to affiliates, when they register for the program.

They also set up the option for the coupon codes to get generated in a specific style (affiliate's name). These coupon codes get displayed to affiliates within their account dashboard.

Account Sync

With our app, the merchant was also able to sync affiliates as customers in their store. They enabled the account sync option for this. It automatically registers affiliates as store customers and also tags the synced accounts.


The merchant was able to download detailed data reports of their affiliate program using the reports option offered by our app. They were able to download data reports of affiliates, orders/sales, traffic, payout, and more.

It also allowed them to download data reports for certain periods and specific affiliates.


Our app also offers the option to display the affiliate's name to the customer when they visit the store using their referral link. The merchant enabled the shopping-with toolbar option for this.

Similarly, they are also using the affiliate toolbar option that displays a toolbar in the store to the logged-in affiliates, allowing them to share product links quickly.


Juicy Chemistry have been using GoAffPro for almost three years now. They have been able to set up and run their affiliate program successfully using our app. They have over 130 affiliates in their program whose referral orders have brought them over six figures in revenue.


Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom domain name: Link

Brand primary color: Link

Additional Profile Fields

Additional profile fields for affiliates: Link

Affiliate Commissions

Set product commissions: Link

Set collection commissions: Link

Set commission for affiliates: Link

Disable commission on products: Link

Automatic Coupon Codes

Setup automatic coupon codes: Link

Set the discount value of coupon codes: Link

Set coupon code style: Link

Account Sync

Register affiliates as store customers: Link


Download reports: Link


Setup shopping-with toolbar: Link

Setup affiliate toolbar: Link