Natural Girl Wigs

Case Study

About the Company

Natural Girl Wigs offers hair wigs and extensions to their customers. They use virgin human hair and premium hair fiber for making their products. Also, their products get made by local black hair stylists in Lagos and Texas.

They offer over fifty styles of wigs like braid wigs, ponytails, clip-ins, and more. Additionally, their wigs and hair extensions come in different hair textures. Their brand mainly caters to black women. Natural Girl Wigs was founded by Oluremi Martins back in 2018.

Website: Natural Girl Wigs

Natural Girl Wigs Homepage


The merchant had various conditions for setting up their affiliate program. Their main goal was to create unique referral links for affiliates and measure affiliate performance accurately.

They also wanted to have the option to set up different commission rates for affiliates in their program. Also, they wanted to provide their affiliates with coupon codes for use in promotions.

Additionally, the merchant wanted to set up advanced sales settings like only giving commissions for referring new customers or disabling commissions for self-purchases made by affiliates.

The merchant also wanted to set up custom payment terms for affiliate commissions. Finally, the merchant was also looking for integration with email marketing apps.


Using GoAffPro, the merchant did get the required options to set up the affiliate program as per their preference. Our app automatically generates a unique referral link for affiliates when they register in the program. It also provides advanced analytics and real-time tracking for sales and visits.

The app also offers the option to set up different commission rates for affiliates in the program. It also provides advanced sales settings for calculating affiliate commissions. Additionally, our app gives the option to generate coupon codes for affiliates automatically for use in their promotions.

Furthermore, the app also provides various commission payment options like payment terms, minimum payout amount, etc. It also offers the function to make in-app commission payments using PayPal Payouts. There is also the option to integrate third-party email marketing apps like Klaviyo, MailChimp, Omnisend, etc.

GoAffPro automatically generates and assigns unique referral links to affiliates when they register in the program. It also supports referral link tracking, where purchases made through referral links get attributed to the affiliates.

Affiliate Commissions

The merchant wanted to set up different commission rates for affiliates in the program. They used the affiliate commissions option to set different commission rates for affiliates. Also, it allows the merchant to have different types of affiliates in their program.

Commission Modifiers

Our app also offers the option to modify the affiliate commissions based on set rules. The merchant used this option to set up modifiers with the coupon code matches rule to adjust the affiliate commissions to zero when coupons with the matching values get used by the customer.

Advanced Sales Settings

Disable commission for self-referral

The merchant enabled this option to prevent affiliates from earning commissions on self-purchases they make in the store. Our app will flag a self-referral purchase if the customer email address in the order is the same as the affiliate email address.

Give commission only for new customers

Our app also offers the option to give commission to affiliates only on referring new customers to the store. The merchant enabled this option to prevent affiliates from earning commissions on purchases made by old/recurring customers.

Affiliate Coupon Codes

Referral coupon codes

The merchant also set up the automatic coupons option for generating coupon codes for affiliates. They used this function to assign coupons to affiliates manually.

Affiliates can use these coupons in their promotions. Our app also supports coupon code tracking, allowing affiliates to earn commissions on purchases made by customers using their coupon codes.

Automatically apply discount

The merchant also enabled the "Automatically apply discount" option, which allows coupon codes to get automatically applied at the checkout when the customer visits the store using an affiliate's referral link.

Usage limits

Our app also offers the option to set usage limits for coupon codes like one use per customer, the total number of times the discount gets used, minimum order value, etc.

The merchant enabled the one use per customer option, so customers can only use the discount code once and set up a minimum order value for the coupon codes to get applied to the order.

Commission Payments

Default payment method

The merchant also used the default payment method option to set up PayPal as the default method for paying commissions. When set, affiliates only need to provide their PayPal email address in their dashboard to start receiving payments.

Payment terms

Our app also offers the option to set up payment terms for affiliates. These terms are displayed to affiliates in their dashboard, informing them of the commission payment schedule. The merchant used this option to set the payment term for commission payments as net 15 days.

Minimum payout

GoAffPro also offers the function of setting up a minimum payout amount for commission payments. The affiliates need to reach the minimum payout amount to be eligible for commission payments. The merchant used this option to set the minimum payout amount as $30.

PayPal Payouts

Our app also offers the option to make in-app commission payments to affiliates using PayPal Payouts. It allows for bulk payments to affiliates. The merchant integrated PayPal Payouts and used it to make commission payments to their affiliates.

Klaviyo Integration

The merchant also integrated Klaviyo with the GoAffPro app. It allows them to sync the affiliate emails and their details to a list in Klaviyo. The merchant can then create email campaigns for these affiliates through Klaviyo.

Multi-Site Connection

GoAffPro also provides an option to connect multiple stores where the referral links and coupon codes work across all the connected stores. Additionally, the affiliate accounts will get synced across store programs.

Our team set up the multi-site connection for two stores of the merchant and provided them with a master dashboard to easily access the admin panel of both the store programs.


Natural Girl Wigs have been using GoAffPro for about three years now. They have been able to set up and run their program successfully. Their program has been performing well. They have over 500+ affiliates in their program whose referral sales have bought them over five figures in revenue.


Affiliate Commissions

Set default commissions: Link

Set affiliate commissions: Link

Commission Modifiers

Set commission modifiers: Link

Advanced Sales Settings

Disable commission for self referral: Link

Give commission only for new customers: Link

Affiliate Coupon Codes

Setup automatic coupon codes: Link

Assign coupons to affiliates: Link

Automatically apply discount codes: Link

Set coupon usage limit for customers:Link

Set minimum order value for coupons: Link

Commission Payments

Set default payment method: Link

Setup payment terms for affiliates: Link

Set minimum payout amount: Link

PayPal Payouts

Setup PayPal Payouts: Link

Pay affiliates using PayPal Payouts: Link

Klaviyo Integration

Setup Klaviyo integration:Link