Case Study (Pleasant State)

About the Company:

Pleasant State offers cleaning bars and kits. Their bars are made in Australia using plant-based ingredients. Also, they are cruelty-free, non-toxic, and vegan. Their cleaning bars are biodegradable as well.

Additionally, they donate 2% of their sales to charity. They also have a B Corp Certification. Pleasant State was founded by Ami Bateman and Sian Murray back in 2020.

Website: Pleasant State

Vitori Main Page


The merchant had several requirements while setting up the affiliate program for their store.

They wanted to register their customers as affiliates and have them refer their friends to the store. These affiliates will share a discount with their friends, who can use it to get $10 off their first order. Furthermore, for every referral they make, the merchant will make a $10 donation to a charity.

They also wanted to allow their affiliates to track the impact of their referrals. They wanted the affiliate dashboard to display the affiliate's link and a summary of their referral contributions in the form of metrics like the number of saved plastic bottles, liters of toxin-free cleaning, the amount donated to charity, etc.

The merchant wanted to set different commission rates for their store products. They also wanted to provide their affiliates with discounts to use in promotions. Additionally, they wanted options to limit the usage of these discounts. Finally, they were also looking for integration with email marketing apps.


With GoAffPro, the merchant did get the features to set up the affiliate program as per their requirements. Our app offers the option to register customers as affiliates automatically using the post-checkout popup and single sign-on option.

Additionally, our team did create a custom affiliate dashboard for the merchant's store program as per their requirements. They also set the dashboard to display the referral contributions of affiliates using different metrics.

Furthermore, our app also offers the option to set different commission rates for store products. Also, the app provides the feature to generate coupon codes for affiliates that they can share in promotions and set usage limits on them.

It also provides third-party integrations with various email marketing apps like Klaviyo, MailChimp, Omnisend, etc.

Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom affiliate dashboard

According to the merchant's requirements, our team created a custom affiliate dashboard for their affiliate program. The dashboard displays the referral link of the affiliate.

Additionally, it displays the referral contributions of the affiliate in the form of metrics like the number of saved plastic bottles, liters of toxin-free cleaning, and the amount donated to charity.

These metrics are dynamic and get calculated based on set formulas. The app tracks the sale and computes these numbers from the referral order data. It then displays these numbers on the affiliate's dashboard page.

Affiliate Registrations

Post checkout popup

The merchant enabled the advanced style post-checkout popup that displays a popup on the order confirmation page (thank you page). It also registers the customer as an affiliate automatically in the store program.

They also customized the popup by setting a header image, adding a title and subtitle that briefly describes the program, and displaying the referral link to the customers.

Single sign-on

Our app also provides the option to allow customers to access their affiliate accounts from the Shopify customer accounts page. The merchant set this up in their store.

They also enabled the feature where the app will automatically register the customer as an affiliate in the program when they sign up or log into their account on the store.

Product Commissions

Our app also offers the product commissions option to set different commission rates for products in the store.

The merchant used this option to set different flat-rate commissions on their store products.

Referral Coupons

Automatic coupons

GoAffPro also provides the option to generate coupon codes for affiliates automatically. The merchant set up and enabled this option. It generates coupon codes for affiliates automatically when they register in the program.

Automatically apply discount

The merchant also enabled the "automatically apply discount" option. It allows the coupon code of affiliates to get applied automatically at the checkout when the customer visits the store using the affiliate's referral link.

Usage limits for coupons

Our app also provides the option to set usage limits for affiliate coupons. The merchant used this option to limit the affiliate coupons to one use per customer and to be only used by new customers.

They also used the "limit discount to collections" option to limit affiliate coupon usage to specific collections in their store.

Shopping-with Toolbar

The merchant also enabled the shopping-with toolbar option, which displays a toolbar at the top of the store when the customer makes a visit using an affiliate's referral link.

Also, the merchant customized the toolbar to display the name and coupon code of the affiliate.

Klaviyo Integration

Our app also offers a third-party integration option with Klaviyo. The merchant used this to connect their Klaviyo account with GoAffPro.

It syncs all the affiliate emails and their details to a list in Klaviyo. The merchant can then use it to create email campaigns for affiliates from Klaviyo.


Pleasant State has been using GoAffPro for about eleven months now. They have been able to set up and run their program successfully. Their program has received a tremendous reception. They have over 4700+ affiliates in their program whose referral sales have bought them over six figures in revenue.


Affiliate Registrations

Setup advanced popup: Link

Setup single sign-on: Link

Product Commissions

Set product commissions: Link

Referral Coupons

Setup automatic coupons: Link

Set the coupon usage limit for customers: Link

Set the coupon usage only for new customers: Link

Limit coupon usage to collections: Link

Automatically apply discount codes: Link

Shopping-with Toolbar

Setup shopping-with toolbar: Link

Customize the shopping-with toolbar: Link

Klaviyo Integration

Setup Klaviyo integration: Link

View synced affiliate list: Link