Case Study (The Pulse Boutique)

About the Company

The Pulse Boutique is an online boutique for women. They provide comfortable and casual clothing for them at an affordable price tag. Their company slogan is "cute, comfy, casual," where they cater to customers looking for outfits that are easy to wear and put together.

They offer products like dresses, tops, pants, accessories, and more. Lindsey and Mallory co-founded the Pulse Boutique.

Website: The Pulse Boutique

The Pulse Boutique Main Page


The merchant had various requirements while setting up their affiliate program. They wanted to set up a tier-based reward system, where affiliates receive a reward when they cross a tier.

Also, the merchant wanted affiliates to agree to new terms whenever they introduced a new commission plan. They also wanted to offer a different commission rate to affiliates for referring new customers to the store.

Additionally, they wanted a system that would allow them to manage different types of affiliates and have separate registration pages for them. The merchant also wanted to give their affiliates coupons for their personal use, whose usage will not earn them any commissions.

Finally, they also wanted extensive customization for the affiliate dashboard, where they wanted to showcase the tier-based reward system to affiliates and their current tier.


With GoAffPro, the merchant did get the required options and features to set up the affiliate program as per their requirements. Our team built a custom solution for the merchant's tier-based reward system. The team also created a new page within the affiliate dashboard, so affiliates get to agree to the terms of the new commission plan before they could access their dashboard.

Additionally, our app also provides the option to adjust the commission rate of affiliates on referring new customers. It also offers the affiliate groups option, which helps the merchant manage different types of affiliates. The app also enables the merchant to set up personal coupons for affiliates.

Furthermore, the app also offers extensive customization options for the affiliate portal. These include setting up a custom portal name, custom legal pages, customizing the landing page, signup page, and the affiliate dashboard.

Tier-Based Reward System

Our team built a custom tier-based reward system for the merchant's program. In this system, affiliates receive rewards when they cross a tier. These tiers are made based on the commissions earned by the affiliates.

In addition to receiving a reward, the affiliate automatically progresses to the next tier group after crossing a tier. Affiliates also get a congratulatory email for crossing tiers.

Custom terms page within dashboard

Our team also built a custom terms page within the affiliate dashboard. Since the merchant was switching to a new commission plan, they wanted their affiliates to agree to the new terms before accessing their dashboard.

The team built this page using custom JS code, which redirected the affiliate to this terms page when they logged in.

Tier-based reward infographics

The merchant also wanted to showcase the tier-based rewards to affiliates. For this, our team displayed the tier structure in the home tab of the affiliate dashboard.

They also added a widget showcasing the current tier of the affiliate. It will allow affiliates to view and understand the tier-based reward structure.

Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom domain name

GoAffPro offers the option to set up a custom domain name for the affiliate portal. The merchant used this option to set up a custom name for their affiliate portal. The portal name set up by the merchant is:

Widgets and analytics

The merchant also used the widgets and analytics option to add the product sold widget, order details table, and the traffic source widget within the affiliate dashboard. These widgets showcase additional information to affiliates about their sales.

Custom legal pages

The merchant also set up custom legal pages for the affiliate program using the legal pages option in the app. They edited both the terms and conditions and privacy policy pages as per their requirement.

Advanced analytics

Our app also offers the option to showcase advanced analytics to affiliates. The merchant enabled this option for the affiliate dashboard. It allows affiliates to view advanced analytics and data points.

Brand font

Our app also offers the option to set up a custom font for the affiliate portal. The merchant used this option to set "Oswald" as the font for the affiliate portal.

Affiliate Groups

The merchant used the affiliate groups option to manage different types of affiliates in the program. They used this option to create separate groups for their tier-based reward system.

Our team also set up a system for the merchant, where affiliates would progress to the tier groups automatically when they cross the tier.

Multiple Signup Pages

Our app offers the option to set up multiple signup pages for different types of affiliates. The merchant used this option to create a new signup page for their program.

They also linked the signup page to an affiliate group so that any affiliate that registers through that signup page automatically gets added to the connected group.

Commission Modifier

Our app also offers the option to adjust the commission rate based on different rules. The merchant wanted to set a different commission rate for affiliates on referring new customers to the store.

For this, the merchant set up a modifier with the first-time customer rule and set it up to adjust the commission by 50%. The modifier has also been set within each affiliate group.

Personal Coupons

GoAffPro also provides the option to create personal coupons for affiliates. The merchant enabled this option to generate personal coupons for affiliates automatically.

Affiliates can use these personal coupons to make self-purchases in the store. Also, personal coupon usage does not give them any commissions.

Store Toolbars

The merchant also enabled the affiliate toolbar and shopping-with toolbar options. The affiliate toolbar allows logged-in affiliates to share product links quickly.

The shopping-with toolbar gets displayed to customers who visit the store using an affiliate's referral link. It showcases the affiliate's name, whose link the customer used to visit the store.

Manager Accounts

Our app also provides the option to create manager accounts. These manager accounts can access the GoAffPro admin panel from the master portal.

The merchant used this option to create multiple manager accounts for their colleagues to provide them access to the app's admin panel.

Referral Sale Settings

Our app also offers options to prevent commissions on self purchases of affiliates. The merchant did enable the option to disable commissions on self-purchases made by affiliates.

PayPal Payouts

The merchant also connected their PayPal account with GoAffPro using the PayPal Payouts integration. It allowed them to make commission payments to affiliates from within the app.


The Pulse Boutique have been using GoAffPro for about two years now. They have been able to set up their affiliate program as per their requirements with the options offered by our app.

Also, our team has created custom options to accommodate their tier-based reward system. Their program has had a great reception. They have over 350+ affiliates in their program, whose referral sales have brought them over six figures in revenue.


Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom domain name: Link

Widgets and analytics: Link

Display order details to affiliates: Link

Advanced analytics for affiliates: Link

Setup legal pages: Link

Setup brand font: Link

Affiliate Groups

Create affiliate group: Link

Set commission modifier in group: Link

Link signup page with the affiliate group: Link

Multiple Signup Pages

Create new signup page: Link

Store Toolbars

Setup affiliate toolbar: Link

Setup shopping-with toolbar: Link

Referral Sale Settings

Disable commission for self referral: Link

PayPal Payouts

Setup PayPal Payouts: Link

Pay affiliates using PayPal Payouts: Link