Case Study (Vitori)

About the Company:

Vitori offers products like crystal mats, belts, and pillows to their customers. Their products are made of vegan PU leather and incorporate healing stones. Also, their crystal mat and belt are FDA-certified medical devices and RoHS-tested as per EU standards.

Their crystal mat provides different forms of therapy like biophoton light therapy, pulsating magnetic field therapy, healing stone effect, and more. Additionally, it promotes bodily functions and further strengthens them. They also list benefits such as faster healing, better sleep, etc.

Website : Vitori

Vitori Main Page


The merchant had various conditions for setting up their affiliate program. They wanted to customize the affiliate portal by setting a custom domain name. Additionally, they wanted to embed an appointment scheduling widget on the landing page of the affiliate portal.

They also wanted to collect additional information from the affiliates when they registered in the program. The merchant also wanted to display referral analytics in the affiliate dashboard. Also, they wanted to add instructions and embed videos for affiliates in their dashboard.

Additionally, the merchant wanted to set different commission rates for their products. They were also looking to reward affiliates with bonuses for fulfilling targets. They also wanted to give lifetime commissions to affiliates for the customers they refer to the store.

The merchant also wanted to offer coupon codes to their affiliates for use in promotions. Also, the merchant wanted to set up a multi-level network for their program, which will let their affiliates recruit newer affiliates under them.

They also wanted to provide their affiliates with media files and documents for use in promotions. Additionally, the merchant was looking to register their customers as affiliates automatically. Similarly, they also wanted to get their affiliates registered as customers automatically.

Finally, they also wanted to set up custom payment terms like hold time for commission payments, minimum payout amount, and tax deduction on affiliate payouts. They were also looking to generate invoices for commission payments to affiliates.

Furthermore, the merchant was also looking for a simple way of creating legal documents to send to affiliates for signing.


Using GoAffPro, the merchant did get the required features to set up the program as per their requirements. Our app offers various options to customize the affiliate portal. These include setting up a custom domain name for the affiliate portal, adding additional signup fields to the signup page, etc.

There is also an option to add custom code to the landing page, which they used to embed their appointment scheduling widget in the landing page of the affiliate portal. They also customized the affiliate dashboard by enabling the analytics tab for affiliates and creating new dashboard pages to add instructions and videos for affiliates.

Additionally, they added multiple widgets to the affiliate dashboard, like the order details table, traffic source widget, product sold widget, leaderboard widget, commissions table, and more.

Also, the app offers the option to set up different commission rates for store products using the product commissions option. There is also an option to set targets for affiliates using various parameters, where they get rewarded with bonuses. Additionally, there is an option to connect customers to affiliates automatically to give them lifetime commissions.

Our app also offers the feature to generate coupon codes for affiliates to use in their promotions. It also provides the multi-level network option that lets affiliates recruit newer affiliates and earn network commissions on the sales referred by their downlines. The app also offers a creative media option that allows the merchant to upload files for affiliates.

Additionally, the app offers the option to register customers as affiliates automatically using the advanced style post-checkout popup. It also has a dedicated feature to register affiliates as store customers automatically.

The app also provides various commission payout options like the default payment method, payment terms, commission hold time, minimum payout amount, and tax deduction on affiliate payouts. There is also an option to generate invoices automatically for the commission payments made to affiliates.

Furthermore, there is also an option to create legal documents for affiliates. The merchant can send these documents to affiliates and access the signed legal documents from within the app. Additionally, the merchant used various other options provided by our app to set up the affiliate program, as per their choice.

Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom domain name

GoAffPro provides the option to set up a custom domain name for the affiliate portal. The merchant used this option to set as the custom name for their affiliate portal.

Brand primary color

The merchant used the brand's primary color option to set a custom color for the buttons and the header image in their affiliate portal. It will apply to the landing page, signup page, login page, and affiliate dashboard.

Affiliate portal language

Our app also offers the option to select the default language of the affiliate portal. The merchant used this option to set German as the default language of their affiliate portal.

Affiliates also have the option to manually set the language of the affiliate portal using the language picker widget present in the footer section of the affiliate portal.

Landing Page Customization

The merchant used the customization options provided by our app to customize the look of the landing page of their affiliate portal. They added a custom banner and edited the text displayed on the landing page.

Also, they used the custom HTML option to embed an appointment scheduling widget (Calendly) on the landing page. It allows affiliates to schedule a telephone call for a consultation with the merchant.

Signup Page Customization

Our app also offers the option to customize the signup page of the affiliate portal. The merchant selected the modern signup page style, which allows them to add a background image to the signup page. They also listed out the benefits of their program on the signup page.

Also, they enabled additional signup fields on the signup page like Instagram, profile photo, mobile number, address, and more. It allows them to collect additional information about the affiliates that register for their program.

Affiliate Dashboard Customization

Advanced analytics

Our app offers the option to showcase advanced referral analytics to affiliates within their dashboard. The merchant enabled this option to add the analytics tab to the dashboard of affiliates.

Affiliates can use this analytical information to refine and improve their promotional activity.

New dashboard pages

The merchant wanted to provide instructions to their affiliates on using their dashboard. For this, they created new dashboard pages, where they embedded instructional videos.

Additionally, they created a new dashboard page to explain the targets they have set in the program.

Widgets and analytics

Our app also offers the option to add widgets to the affiliate dashboard. These widgets display data points to affiliates regarding their referral activity.

The merchant used this option to display widgets like the order details table, traffic source widget, product sold widget, commissions table, connected customers widget, and more.

Affiliate Commissions

Affiliate commissions

Our app also provides the option to set up different commission rates for affiliates in the program. The merchant used this option to set different commission rates for some specific affiliates in their program.

Product commissions

The merchant also wanted to set different commission rates for their store products. They used the product commissions option in the app to set up different commission rates for their various store products.


GoAffPro also offers the option to reward affiliates with bonuses for fulfilling the targets set in the program. The merchant used this option to set up multiple targets based on the sales commission earned by affiliates in a month.

When the affiliate reaches the minimum value set for the target, the bonus will get awarded to them. Setting such incentives for affiliates will improve their performance.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the merchant added instructions regarding the targets in the affiliate dashboard by creating a new dashboard page.

Recurring Commissions

The merchant was also looking to give their affiliates lifetime commissions for the customers they referred to the store. For this, the merchant enabled the customer-affiliate connection option in our app. It connects the customer to the affiliate (who referred them).

It allows all future purchases made by the customer to get attributed to the connected affiliate. Additionally, they enabled the automatic connection option, where the customer gets connected to the affiliate automatically when the sale gets recorded in the app.

Referral Coupons

The merchant also wanted to provide their affiliates with coupon codes for use in promotions. They set up and enabled the automatic coupon option to generate coupon codes for affiliates.

GoAffPro also supports coupon code tracking. Any sale made using the affiliate's coupon code will get tracked and attributed to the affiliate by our app.

Multi Level Network

Our app also offers the option to set up a multi-level affiliate network in the affiliate program. It allows affiliates to recruit newer affiliates and earn network commissions on the sales referred by their downlines.

The merchant used this option to set up a ten-level multi-level network, with network commissions distributed for up to 4 levels in the network. They also enabled the feature to display the sponsor on the signup page of the affiliate portal.

Additionally, they set the commission calculation method for network commissions as dynamic, which gets calculated as the percentage of the sales commission of the affiliate who referred the sale.

Creative Media

The merchant also wanted to provide their affiliates with promotional media. They used the creatives option to upload product images and promotional media.

They also uploaded PDFs with product information and benefits for their affiliates. Affiliates can easily access and download these files from within their dashboard.

Post Checkout Popup

Our app also offers the option to display a popup on the order confirmation page (thank you page) to the customers. The popup shows information about the affiliate program to customers.

The merchant also wanted to register their store customers as affiliates automatically. For this, the merchant enabled the advanced style popup that automatically registers customers as affiliates.

Additionally, instead of a popup, they embedded the popup to the order confirmation page of their store.

Account Sync

The merchant was also looking for an easy way of registering their affiliates as store customers.

For this, they enabled the account sync option, which enrolls affiliates as store customers. It is done automatically by the app.

Disable Commission for Self Referral

Our app also offers an option to prevent affiliates from earning commissions on their self-purchases in the store. It flags a self-referral sale if the customer email matches the affiliate email registered in the program.

The merchant wanted to prevent their affiliates from earning commissions on the purchases they made in the store, so they enabled the "Disable commission for self referral" option.

Affiliate Store

The merchant also set up the affiliate store option, where a mini store gets added to the affiliate dashboard. Affiliates can add products to their cart and checkout.

After this, they can either go ahead with their purchase or share the checkout link with customers. This option allows affiliates to share ready-made checkout links with their customers.

Legal Documents

The merchant had a requirement where they wanted to send legal documents to their affiliates for signing. Our app offers the option to create legal documents and send them to affiliates from within the app.

The merchant used the legal documents option to create documents and send them to affiliates. Additionally, they can access the documents signed by affiliates from within the app.

Welcome Email

Our app automatically sends a welcome email to an affiliate when they enroll in the program. The merchant used this option and set up a customized welcome email template per their requirements.

Commission Payouts

Commission hold time

The app offers the option to set a hold time, where the commission of a sale becomes payable to the affiliate after that hold time. The hold time gets set as per the refund or cancellation policy of the store.

The merchant used this option to set up a commission hold time for their affiliates.

Payment terms

Our app also offers the option to set payment terms for affiliates in the program. These payment terms get displayed to affiliates in their dashboard.

The merchant used this option to set up a net 7-day payment term for their program, where they make commission payments every seven days to affiliates.

Minimum payout amount

The merchant also wanted to set up a minimum payout amount for the affiliates in the program. Affiliates will become eligible for commission payments only after they cross the minimum payout threshold.

The merchant used the minimum payout amount option to set €100 minimum payout amount for the affiliates in their program.

Tax deduction

The merchant was looking to set up a tax deduction on the commission payouts of affiliates. It allows the merchant to deduct the tax they will be paying on behalf of their affiliates.

The merchant used the withholding tax option to set up a tax deduction that will be paid for by the affiliates.


Our app also offers the option to generate invoices for commission payments to affiliates automatically. The merchant enabled this option to get invoices for the commission payments they make to their affiliates.

Also, they edited the template of the invoices as per their requirements. Additionally, the merchant enabled invoice downloads for affiliates from their dashboard.

Multiple Referral Codes

The merchant also enabled the multiple referral codes option. The referral code is a unique code that appears at the end of an affiliate's referral link.

This option allows affiliates to set multiple referral codes for their referral links. It lets them share different links and still get attributed to sales that come in through these links.


Vitori has been using GoAffPro for over two years now. They have been able to set their program as per their requirements successfully. Also, their program has received a great reception. They have over 8400+ affiliates in their program, whose referral sales have bought them over eight figures in revenue.


Affiliate Portal Customization

Custom domain name: Link

Brand primary color: Link

Affiliate portal language: Link

Landing Page Customization

Customize landing page: Link

Signup Page Customization

Setup modern signup page: Link

Enable additional signup fields: Link

Affiliate Dashboard Customization

Enable advanced analytics: Link

Create new dashboard pages: Link

Widgets and analytics: Link

Affiliate Commissions

Set up affiliate commissions: Link

Set up product commissions: Link


Set targets for affiliates: Link

Recurring Commissions

Commission for recurring payments: Link

Referral Coupons

Automatically generate coupons for affiliates: Link

Set discount value for coupons: Link

Multi Level Network

Enable multi level marketing: Link

Setup levels and commissions: Link

Show sponsor on affiliate signup: Link

Choose the commission calculation method: Link

Creative Media

Upload creative media files: Link

Post Checkout Popup

Set a advanced popup: Link

Embed popup in order confirmation page: Link

Account Sync

Register affiliate accounts as store customers: Link

Disable Commission for Self Referral

Disable commission for self referral: Link

Affiliate Store

Setup affiliate store: Link

Legal Documents

Create legal documents: Link

Send legal documents to affiliates: Link

Access signed legal documents: Link

Welcome Email

Setup welcome email: Link

Commission Payouts

Setup commission hold time: Link

Setup payment terms for affiliates: Link

Setup minimum payout amount for affiliates: Link

Setup tax deduction for affiliate payouts: Link


Invoices for affiliate payments: Link

Customize invoice template: Link

Enable invoice downloads for affiliates: Link

Multiple Referral Codes

Setup multiple referral codes: Link