Affiliate Public Shop

GoAffPro offers merchants the affiliate public store feature, allowing them to set up a one-page replicated store for their affiliates. Affiliates can share their public shop link with customers, who can use it to place orders.

It is helpful for influencers who want to sell hand-curated products from the merchant's store to their audience. These influencers can select which store products to display in their public shop. They can then share their shop link in their promotions.

How does the affiliate public store feature work:

The merchant can set up the affiliate public store feature by generating a storefront access token in Shopify and setting it within our app. Next, they can set up the shop's domain name and create a CNAME record. After this, the shop links will get displayed to affiliates in their dashboard.

How does the affiliate public shop work for affiliates:

GoAffPro also offers merchants the option to customize the public store theme. They can set the font used for the heading and body, the background page color, the number of items displayed per row, and even set custom CSS.